Incoming numbers for voip
Incoming UK Number from over 750 UK Cities
If you have a VOIP phone system and need an incoming number, we can provide numbers from over 750 cities around the UK.
VoIP Number Porting
If you currently have a fixed phoneline and want to enjoy the benefits of VOIP, transfer your number over to our service for a fee of £12.99. Then you'll pay the monthly rate of £2.99 if you have your own VOIP system, or the monthly rate for our Hosted PBX service.
0800, 0845 and 0870 numbers
Look more professional with a national number, or freephone number. Our VOIP clients can order as many numbers as they wish (subject to a fair usage policy). Our 0800 numbers are available for a low rate per minute.
International Incoming Numbers
We also provide numbers for most countries, so if you have a specific requirement, please contact us for pricing.
featured services
Bespoke CRM Software
Apart from our VOIP solutions, we also develop CRM software that you can link in with our VOIP solutions. That way, your staff can get instant access to a caller's account details saving valuable time and allowing you to provide a more efficient and friendly service.